About the Author: Thomas Minarik

Thomas is the co-founder of brodmin and has been an online entrepreneur since 2010. His passion has always been helping small business in all aspects of online marketing. Now he is trying to lead a revolution of the late payment culture. Follow him on @realbrodmin and LinkedIn


  1. 86abe6bef87bdfc0494d8818dbb325a7?s=54&r=g
    John Tourell 25/10/2021 at 14:05

    Does the statutory late payment act allow a private individual to claim interest on a debt of £500 that took over a year to refund. This over- charge was as result of missreading my electric meter.

    • bcda8b946017da6ada1f8bef178bafaa?s=54&r=g
      Thomas Minarik 25/10/2021 at 16:22

      Hi John,

      I think that would depend on the circumstances (sorry). I theory, yes, you can make a claim on the money that you are owed. It sounds like that you only asked for a refund (from an overbilling) – so claiming interest is not as clear cut as other B2B or B2C situations.

      I am not a legal person – in your situation I would ask in forums for advice – like this one. conversation.which.co.uk/topic/money/

      Or you could ask Citizens Advice Bureau?

      Would be interesting to find out if you can claim interest from your supplier for taking a year to give you your money back. We’d appreciate if you keep us updated or let us know if we can assist you in any way (not in legal matters).

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