About the Author: Kris Broda

Krzysztof Broda
As the co-founder of brodmin, Kris has more than 10 years’ experience in Trust, Fiduciary and Corporate services industry. He worked at UBS as Senior Compliance Associate and shortly moved to assist HSBC with a new project as KYC Analyst. Follow him on @realbrodmin and LinkedIn


  1. 1b7740588f46b9dd94205b24911f19fd?s=54&r=g
    Vanessa 02/01/2021 at 08:35

    All the advice you shared is spot on. I sometimes have new clients that I can’t find anything about online. It doesn’t matter how much research I do on them, there’s nothing. So, in those cases I can’t know if they will pay on time or not. Whenever dealing with someone new, I try to divide the projects into milestones, the first one being soon after starting (so I can make sure they do pay that first invoice and we build trust). If a client doesn’t agree to these terms then we won’t work together.

    • Krzysztof Broda
      Kris Broda 02/01/2021 at 14:35

      Hi Vanessa,

      You are right, it is not easy to find anything online if you are looking into someones payment habbits. This is part of why we started the brodin directory.

      I am glad to hear that you can invoice your clients via milestones as a solution to built trust. Hope that 2021 will be the best year yet for you! : )

      • 1b7740588f46b9dd94205b24911f19fd?s=54&r=g
        Vanessa 17/01/2021 at 21:31

        I hope to see this directory grow a lot in the following months and years because we sure need it. Finding more information about as many businesses as possible will prove very helpful. It will also weed out the bad businesses. I know that some will just change names but this is a start, no.

        Thanks for the nice wishes! Hope you have a wonderful 2021 as well!

  2. b004be2a1018e16a6f821fbc8c5273cc?s=54&r=g
    Eric Burnett 21/01/2021 at 18:42

    I like to triple check my potentially future clients before I agree to work with them. Sometimes it’s easy to find details about them and how they worked with other freelancers. The internet is huge and we all leave footprints. The problem is when I can’t find anything. That’s either because the client is new or he’s changed names to hide his activity. This is when things get tricky and such a directory like this could help at least to some degree.

    • Krzysztof Broda
      Kris Broda 21/01/2021 at 20:17

      Hi Eric,

      You have come to the right place to check on your potential new clients paying habits. It’s too early to give details, but we are planning on providing more information about businesses. As said to early to tell, but make sure you add yourself to our mailing list or keep checking back often to see updates.

  3. d2dee112c7a3be0770b0fde6782448a8?s=54&r=g
    Alicia 23/01/2021 at 11:29

    In almost 50% of the cases, I have to deal with late payments from clients. I have clients that have been doing this for months and some even years. Everyone pays in the end, but sometimes it takes longer. I understand problems arise especially in these hard times. I am not complaining just stating a fact true for me. I don’t hate the people that pay late. It is what it is. I am happy I can be of help and that I get to do what I love and get paid for it.

    • Krzysztof Broda
      Kris Broda 27/01/2021 at 19:19

      I have a client that called and said they could not pay me until mid April this year (an invoice issued in December 2020!) Due to the pandemic, the client is genuinely struggling, but they still expect the work to be completed.

      They’ve been with me for over 7 years, so yes, I happily make an exception. My point is that if clients communicate early on that there might be an issue with payment, to me that says that they care enough about me to let me know.

      It’s those that give you the silent treatment or pay late as a ‘policy’ that needs to change.

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