We’re always looking for new guest authors and we welcome individual bloggers to contribute high-quality guest posts to brodmin.com.
Guests posts must be related to invoicing (late invoicing), late payments, business, due diligence, finance, accounting or related B2B topics.
In other words, please don’t submit an article which would be a completely alien topic and try to shoehorn in some link to your business.
The article should be useful and applicable in real life.
The reader must not seek advice on another site.
Example topics
Examples of article topics:
Our Target Audience:
Original Concepts
Please don’t send the run of the mill ideas that will have been covered many times. Instead, create something different, something unique, that will make the readers eyes light up, rather than roll ;-).
Author bio (Important!)
Please include an author bio, with one link to your social profile (LinkedIn preferred). Please note that author bio is not optional, we won’t publish a guest post without an author bio.
The reason for the author bio is = E.A.T.
The E-A-T acronym stands for Expertise, Authority and Trust.
Google is using each of these three metrics to measure the expertise, authoritativeness or trustworthiness of a website, the website’s individual page content (on a URL by URL basis) and the content creator themselves.
Author bio example:
Description should be about 40-60 words.
Include one or two links to your social profile – plus one link to your website (only if you have not included a link to your website in your content already)
Headshot image (150px by 150px or 200px by 200px)
Article Length
Over 1500+ words (longer articles preferred)
Please ensure that your article is written in UK English.
Links in your article
There is no maximum number of links within the guest post, as long as these links are to well-written and informative content, which are beneficial to the reader in terms of further illustrating or explaining the points or claims made within the post.
Please do not submit articles with multiple links to the same website, or to thin content websites or “spammy” websites – all links within guest post content must be to high-quality websites containing information about the specific subject of the post and relevant.
Rules for Resources and Source Links
When adding resources and source links, adhere to the following rules.
- Only link to trustworthy pages directly related to the text.
- Do not link to competitors of the client site.
- Do not link to the same webpage more than once.
- Avoid adding three or more links in a single paragraph.
- Avoid linking to Wikipedia.
Promoting your business in the article
We’re happy to give our guest writers a backlink, but we don’t publish sales pitches or press releases on our blog. If you can naturally work in a brief promo about relevant products or services, we’re fine with that. If you’re an affiliate, we unfortunately can’t publish your affiliate links on our blog.
Include no more than one link to your company’s website in the body of the post – or add the link to your author bio section. (not both).
Article layout
- Article title / main headline
- Introduction (short intro to why a reader should read your article)
- For long articles (2k+) and multiple headings – include a ‘table of content’
- Subheadings (add at least 5 subheadings, more preferred)
- Sentences must not have more than 3 punctuations
- Make use of bullet points
- Screenshots of the tools mentioned in the article are necessary. For example, if you mention Google Analytics tab, show a screenshot of how this tab looks.
- Conclusion – The result of all actions should be stated in 2-3 sentences. If the post is big and long, then the conclusion should be in the form of a short checklist.
We do NOT accept:
We will proofread all articles and run them through a plagiarism checker. Similarly, whereas we love publishing good Infographics, these are not purely about looks.
We share your posts to all of our channels, and you should do the same, in order to get the biggest possible audience.
Edits. Because the content we publish varies so significantly, our process for editing guest posts isn’t strictly defined. We might ask you to make a few changes or suggest a possible revision, especially if the content doesn’t match your pitch or doesn’t meet our quality standards.
After the final version of your post has been approved, it typically takes 1-2 weeks before the post is published on our blog.
Important Caveats:
- Editors reserve the right to reject contributions at their discretion.
- Editors reserve the right to edit, adapt, update, and republish contributions at their discretion, and update it in the future for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
- Calls-to-action may be added to published submissions.
- In rare cases, contributed posts may be removed from the blog.
- Submissions must meet the blogging team’s quality standards in order to get published.
- Guest contributors may not republish their published contribution, including to your own blog, LinkedIn, Medium, etc afterward.
- We reserve the right to include calls-to-action to our content, including but not limited to email newsletters, ebooks, and other downloadable content.
What to expect if we accept your pitch
If we think your pitch sounds like it could appeal to our audience, we will let you know whether or not we’d consider a draft. If we think the draft of your post meets our quality standards, we’ll let you know if we’d like to publish the piece within 1-2 weeks.
Quick Submission Summary:
How to Submit:
You can send your ideas / article title for approval to [email protected] with the subject line “Blog Post Pitch.”
Please note that while we strive to respond to every inquiry in a timely manner, we are not always able to do so.
(*) Terms:
- By submitting an article, you agree to brodmin using it on their website (with any amends we deem suitable) and you will not claim for payment or copyright infringement now or in the future.
- When the article is published on our website, it is then owned by brodmin ltd and you are not permitted to re-publish the article without our prior written approval.
Sponsored Blog Posts & Advertising Options: If you want to advertise on our website by putting up a banner ad, publishing a sponsored article, or doing another form of content collaboration, please email [email protected] regarding the opportunity.